How to evaluate Community Panel Software?

Kd ken
5 min readFeb 16, 2021


Do you want to walk in your customers’ shoes? Exceed your customer’s expectations with the top-notch Panel Management Software so your product or service sells itself! With a blend of strategies like Competitor Analysis, Marketing Research, Analysis of Buying Behavior, and much more; hit the marketing Bull’s eye and hike your sales exponentially.

The need for a Panel Management Software

Easy access to a wide range of individuals from diverse age groups, ethnicity, profession, etc. allows organizations to utilize and manage their own Market Research survey panel without zero dependencies on outsourcing.

Every organization runs in its own level of complexity and if your organization is mainly focused on improving the overall customer-experience then online surveys can be the best-in-class alternative. As your marketing or IT team runs more and more online surveys, issues regarding the coordination of survey requests across the range of potential respondents are quite typical. One solution to this is choosing the right panel management software that can manage your respondents. But before you start surfing through dozens of great suppliers out there, you need to understand your own Panel management requirements.

Fewer people know that most panel management systems support rich panel profiles, detailed reports, and powerful questionnaires. Although the similarities may seem to be quite uncanny each Community Panel Software differs from others in many ways. The following questions can help you to understand your panel management requirements and identify key points of differentiation between systems.

A sneak peek into the Basics

It should be duly noted that the charge for panel management software is quite flexible: some software charges by panel size, some by the user, and some by the number of survey responses. So asking these questions becomes integral while comparing systems. Other than that there are other questions as well that needs to be asked for understanding panel requirements for Panel Management Software. Some of these include:

  • How many survey responses are you expecting to collect annually?
  • What is the number of potential survey respondents that you plan on storing in the system?
  • Do you want your organization to accommodate software that you will install on your own servers or do you want a hosted solution?
  • How many of your partner research organizations and how many different people within your organization will be able to log into your system?
  • Besides that how many access sources can create surveys?

Panel User management

The main challenge to manage a successful dedicated panel is to keep the panel members engaged. One of the benefits of a customer panel is to reduce recruitment time and provide robust user engagement. It might seem quite daunting to set up the initial cadence of how frequently to interact with users, but it is necessary and once you find the right strategies, user engagement for the panel can be quite simple. Here are some ideas that can kick-start user enjoyment or your panel. Dive in!

  • Exporting/Importing panel member data into the system in MS Excel format
  • Add/edit/customize fields or member profiling
  • Bulk updates of user status including New, verified, blocked, pending moderator approvals, unsubscribed users.
  • Search/filter panel members.
  • Conduct profile field analysis and craft reports that provide insight

Point/ Rewards Incentive

Who said engagement needs to be free? Points and rewards can play a vital role in making surveys popular and more interesting. Offering incentives can motivate panel members to provide insightful feedback and timely response. Here are some ideas that can let you know about points and rewards in your panel management system. Have a look!

  • Allocate points to the users for joining the portal so that they don’t spare a second thought before investing their time.
  • Assign points for surveys so answering queries become more exciting rather than monotonous.
  • Do you want to enhance the scalability of your survey? Then assign points for referring users.

Analytics & reports

Measurable results pave the way for impeccable success. This is why we make our data very clear through our reports. Evaluated analytics can comprise of:

  • User report

To develop user-oriented surveys, knowing and understanding the user perspective is integral. This is when detailed reports about users can be of great help.

  • Signup/ Dropout Trend

Estimating the number of sign-ups is essential to scrutinize the success of your panel management campaign which is done by signup and dropout trend report for the panel.

  • Domain Report

A domain report is essential to get an insight into the panel member’s email profile for authorization and authenticity.

  • Global Activity Stream

If you prefer keeping your reports and data up-to-date then the Global activity stream can provide the latest updates of the recent user activity in your panel.

Importance of Panel Security feature

Security, safety, and privacy are essential for any organization that wants to thrive in the prevailing IT environment. Panel security is vital in order to enable the safe operations of applications implements on the organization’s panel and to protect the data while safeguarding the technology assets in use at the organization. Security is also important to improve efficiency, protect the integrity of any online panel, and to comply with the fiduciary responsibility and regulatory requirements. Safer communities are a priority in the panel management platforms and so its high time to make security a priority.

Mobile-Friendly feature and better user management

Another question that needs to draw your attention is: Do you want to initiate and run surveys that can easily be taken on mobile devices? Whether it is about the responsiveness of the online panel or just about the questionnaire interface, being mobile-friendly is important in order to provide users with the liberty to respond swiftly and efficiently.

Respondents and users are usually more familiar with the smartphone aspect and use it quite frequently than sticking to their desktop screens. This is why focusing on mobile-friendliness is a better way of promoting user engagement.

The bottom line

Once you have scrutinized and assessed the basics of Community Panel Software and analyzed your own requirements, you can make more informed decisions about the numerous competing panel management software platforms available in the market in the current scenario. Think wise and act smart and evaluating the panel management systems will be no leviathan task for you.



Kd ken
Kd ken

Written by Kd ken

I’m a brand manager in an IT company. Tuned with me for market trends and research insights.

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